Course Overview
This unique course developed for the event management industry will focus on command and control during the operational phase of an event. The framework of this course is an event command concept designed to allow any event lead to adopt an integrated organisational structure that will assist with the demands and complexity of any event large or small. The system will enable integrated communication and planning by establishing spans of control and dividing the event into manageable functional sectors essential for a successful event. The key elements and learning outcomes of this course are organisation, management, leadership and command skills which will give candidates the knowledge and skill sets to achieve all of their complex responsibilities at any event by meeting the required objectives and managing all event operational needs effectively and efficiently. All of our trainers are either current qualified or recently retired fire service managers, all with a wealth of knowledge and experience in using and implementing an effective command structure during emergency incidents under very stressful conditions.
Course content
Principles of the Event Command System (ECS)
Roles and responsibilities of personnel within the event command structure
Requirements for the successful management of risk at events
Effective lines and methods of communication at events
How to plan and implement actions to meet planned objectives
Leadership and command skills
How implement an effective debrief to assist development and improvement
Interactive role play scenario
Entry Requirements
There are no formal entry requirements.